Challenges: January

January’s Challenges are all about one local resource most people forget- libraries! Libraries offer a wide range of resources, as well as trained librarians to help you find out more about every subject. This month, try and use your local library, and help others take advantage of this resource as Read more…

New Year!

Welcome to 2020! We here at the BC have had a busy 2019- our membership has increased by 66%, our constitution has gone through revisions, and we’ve (mostly) kept up with posting on here! Going into the new year, we have several goals for our nation. We plan to upload Read more…

December Wrap Up

This December, our members supported animal shelters! We visited animal shelters and gave some quality time to the pets housed there. We also spread awareness about shelter needs and adoption days. Animals are in need year-round, so don’t worry if you missed participating in this month’s challenge! Find an animal Read more…