This February, the Beatus Cras is cleaning up parks! Parks are a free resource that many communities have, and most are maintained to some extent. However, we’ve noticed many of the parks and nature areas around our micronation could use some work. So this month, our challenge is to preserve the nature we see around us- by cleaning up parks, supporting nature areas, and educating others about the importance of these green spaces. Want to help? Here’s how:

  • Get to know your green spaces
    • Visit local parks, nature reserves, and green spaces. How many green spaces are around you? How much use do they get?
    • Talk to local educators about the community nature areas- Who owns them?  What goes into their upkeep? What are these spaces meant to accomplish?
    • Learn about the nature around you. Discover the tree types in your area, common plants, and what animals you may see!
  • Educate others
    • Bring a friend to a green space! Hang out at parks instead of the mall, do homework together outside, or just take a detour through a green space on your way somewhere.
    • Teach others about green spaces! Help people identify the plants around them, and their place in the ecosystem. Or tell them why the local nature reserve is so important, and how much you enjoy visiting.
    • Talk to park rangers and help spread information about encountering wild animals- what to do and when to call animal services.
  • Preserve nature!
    • Clean up your local green spaces- clear out trash, check the safety of the paths, and tell local authorities if there is major work that needs done.
    • Donate or volunteer at your local green spaces. Do they need guides? Do they need updated information pamphlets? Ask what your local spaces need!
    • Talk to local authorities about creating more green spaces near you, or increasing funding to those already established.


Site owner and founder of the BC


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