Let’s start off the new year right, with challenges focused on helping those around us. The next two months’ theme is caring for the immobile, or those who are isolated. This could be an elderly couple in a nursing home, a friend in the hospital, or a family member in quarantine. Especially now, there are a lot of people feeling lonely, even if they have friends and family that care about them. We here at the BC are challenging ourselves to do more to let those people know they are cared about and loved! Check out how you can help below:

  • Visit who you can
    • Visit those not at risk, if everyone involved is comfortable. You can even say hi from the porch or outside a window!
    • Ask your family about relatives you haven’t seen in a while. Are they somewhere you can visit?
    • Facetime those who you can’t meet in person. Seeing your face can brighten their whole day
  •  Send them mail
    • Write cards to those who are far away, or cannot be around others
    • Send care packages with food, crafts, or pictures so they have things that remind them of you 
    • Digital cards can be emailed with pictures and recorded videos
  •  Get Others Involved
    • Ask someone to go with you when visiting. The more people who go, the more encouraging it can be.
    • Set up a card exchange with others, so everyone gets cards throughout the year. This is a great way to stay connected or make new friends
    • Set up times in the future to visit again. Keep up the connection with others and don’t let this be a one-off visit


Site owner and founder of the BC


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