The challenges for November and December are all about preparing for winter. Since we don’t get to hibernate, we need to prepare for cold weather and possible emergencies associated with that weather. Last year, the Beatus Cras had to prepare for rolling blackouts, icy roads, and freezing pipes. Starting winter preparations now can help reduce energy costs during the cold months and lower stress about possible emergencies.

  • Preparing your food
    • Stock up on canned goods, dried goods, and other shelf-stable foods
    • Practice ways you can prepare food without electricity
    • If you are storing glass jars for canning or other uses, remember that jars filled with drinkable water take up just as much space as empty jars
  • Preparing your home
    • Check your windows and doors for proper sealing, and next time it rains check for leaks around your walls and ceilings. See if any areas feel cold or drafty, and try to figure out why
    • How is your home heated? Do you have natural gas lines or just electricity? Do you have a gas or wood-burning fireplace? All of these factors can affect how you plan for possible power outages
    • Look into backup power sources. Generators can keep essential equipment running during blackouts, but only if they are working and have proper fuel/have been charged. Charging banks for phones and laptops can keep you connected to friends and family, but only if they are charged as well
  • Preparing yourself
    • Have an emergency plan for power outages, water outages, or being unable to leave your house. Know what is in your plan, and help others make their own plans 
    • Make sure you have appropriate clothes for your climate, and ways to keep yourself warm and dry
    • Find things you can do if your power goes out that will not run down your electronics, such as board games or using craft supplies.


Site owner and founder of the BC


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