Challenges: November & December

The challenges for November and December are all about preparing for winter. Since we don’t get to hibernate, we need to prepare for cold weather and possible emergencies associated with that weather. Last year, the Beatus Cras had to prepare for rolling blackouts, icy roads, and freezing pipes. Starting winter Read more…

Challenges: November & December

The theme of November and December is being conscious of your shopping choices! The end of the year is filled with holidays and gatherings, and many of us prepare for this time by buying gifts for our friends and family. Many businesses encourage this with sales, especially during the black Read more…

November Wrap Up

November’s challenges revolved around giving to others, especially those in our own communities. We at the BC shopped in stores that sell imperfect produce, collected extra food to be donated to local food banks, and did our best to reduce food waste within our homes! We encourage everyone to keep Read more…

Challenges: November

November’s challenges are focused on sharing the food and plenty that we already have in front of us. Whether it’s by their own action, or outside their control, there are people in almost every community needing help getting food on their plates and on the plates of their children. See Read more…