March Update

March is national craft month in the United States! According to the National Day Calendar, National Craft Month is meant to inspire crafters to work on their projects, as well as get more people into crafting by showcasing the benefits of making things yourself and learning new skills. As such, Read more…

March & April Wrap-Up

During March and April, the BC worked on creating healthy habits surrounding food. We swapped our snacks for healthier options, planned ahead when shopping, and focused on creating lasting change by establishing habits we can continue past the end of the challenge. Did you work on your food habits? Let Read more…

March & April Wrap Up

The theme for March and April was helping others with food. We here at the BC researched food insecurity in our local community, and found several nonprofit organizations focused on reducing hunger and helping those who are food insecure. We also learned about programs sponsored by the local government to Read more…

Challenges: March & April

The theme for March and April is helping others with and through food. Not only can gifts of food be extremely helpful, but every community has food insecure populations that can benefit from your help. For the next two months, we are focusing on learning about how food affects those around Read more…