Challenges: September

For September, the BC is focusing on conservation of food! There is a lot of food uncertainty right now, with the effects of the covid pandemic on supply chains, as well as natural disasters in our neighboring country reducing the amount of food that can be harvested. So this month, Read more…

Challenges: February

This February, the Beatus Cras is cleaning up parks! Parks are a free resource that many communities have, and most are maintained to some extent. However, we’ve noticed many of the parks and nature areas around our micronation could use some work. So this month, our challenge is to preserve Read more…

Challenges: January

January’s Challenges are all about one local resource most people forget- libraries! Libraries offer a wide range of resources, as well as trained librarians to help you find out more about every subject. This month, try and use your local library, and help others take advantage of this resource as Read more…

Challenges: December

December’s challenges are focused on bettering the conditions of the pets and helping any in need to find their forever homes. Many shelters will have a number of needs listed on their website, so after checking this list, find a shelter near you and check out what their specific needs Read more…

Challenges: November

November’s challenges are focused on sharing the food and plenty that we already have in front of us. Whether it’s by their own action, or outside their control, there are people in almost every community needing help getting food on their plates and on the plates of their children. See Read more…

Challenges: October

October’s challenges are focused on caring for those in your community that are find themselves immobile – whether it be in their own home, in a hospital, or a nursing home. Some happen to find themselves in this position due to sickness, disease, or even just old age. And although Read more…

Challenges: July

July’s challenges are focused on protecting yourself and others from UV rays and the summer heat! Many places are experiencing heat waves, and many people do not know how to protect themselves in very hot environments. Below we’ve compiled a few of the things you can do to keep yourself Read more…

Challenges: June

June’s challenges are all about protecting our friends in the water! Whether its rivers, lakes, or oceans, bodies of water (and those living in them) are everywhere! There are many different ways to protect aquatic environments, from reducing water waste, to keeping pollutants out of groundwater, to helping clean the Read more…

Challenges: May

May’s challenges focus on supporting our troops! From simply sending a thank-you letter to donating supplies for care packages, to volunteering with veterans, there are so many ways we can show our support. Think not only about what you can do, but also what your friends, classmates, and neighbors can Read more…